11 Feb Where I’m Travelling to in 2020 – Bourgie Travel Calendar
Travel is not cheap, don’t let anybody try to tell you otherwise – Jadesola, 2020.
Have you ever looked at my blog or travel photos and wished you could actually go on a trip, somewhere, someplace? That wish is called wanderlust and I have a couple of affordable Bourgie Travel group trips to help you fulfil those wishes in 2020.
While I didn’t do a recap of my 2019 (I know I should have done it), I visited a number of new places and revisited places that are so dear to my heart. I made friends and family – my heart is so blessed by the experiences from my 2019 Travels.
Places I’ll be revisiting with joy:
- Tarkwa Bay
- Osogbo, Ile-Ife, Erin Ijesha
- Ado-Awaye and Ibadan
- Northern Nigeria (Underrated I tell you)
- Benin, Togo and Ghana (Chale Wote finna be litt)
- Enugu & Obudu (My first love)
New places I’ll be heading to:
- Ethiopia & Seychelles
- Kenya & Rwanda
You can sign up for your preferred tour here.
In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing more details like links to our saving circles and an online payment system.
There also might be a few surprise trips and experiences, so just leave the place(s) you would like to visit in the comment section. Who knows, I might plan a group trip there as well if it’s not on the list.
I’m very active on social media, so follow me on my IG pages – @djadesola, @bourgietravel for BTS details and travel inspo.
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